bear spray

guess what else we saw aside from moose and sheep? grateful to be in the car when we passed through, but this was another highlight. we saw all the wildlife in one day. how fucking cool is that?!

more glacier np

I had not seen moose or bighorn sheep or mountain goats prior to visiting glacier national park, so seeing some in real life was one of the highlights. shortly after seeing the sheep, I tripped on my own shoelaces and hurt my knee badly. did it stop me? I took a lot of ibuprofen the rest of the trip and used up more bandages than I ever have in my entire life and to this day, my knee is still sore but it’s all good.

breath + edge + intention

currently: just passed day 10 of my 30-day yoga immersion.

holy shit, why didn't I do this sooner?!  I thought I was strong going into this, but I'm all kinds of sore everyday. it's been a challenge, both physically and mentally and I welcome all of it! I never went into it thinking I was going to feel "cleansed," but slowly I'm feeling the difference. my body feels less tense. I'm learning to be more patient, to take my time and mostly, to just breathe. every inhalation is like the universe telling me everything is ok. and every exhalation is like expelling physical/mental/emotional toxins my body, mind, and heart have stored. it's like i smoked some happy weed! whoa. I've also been getting some of the best sleep in what seems like forever! I just wanna yoga all day, everyday!

can someone tell me, though, why I constantly have the urge to open up my hips? that's all I want to do when I feel stressed, pressured or even just for the hell of it. what's up with that?!