walnut grove, ca
retreat to the farm
small town, almost a ghost town
ghost town
a weekend trip to point reyes meant taking a quick stop to tomales bay oyster company and hauling your picnic over to tomales bay state park to shuck the oysters! i've not eaten so many different oysters in one day that, i think after my sixth one, i was done, but i kept eating them. heh. when am i soon going to get another opportunity like this was the reasoning behind it. i also learned to shuck the oysters that day. there was no blood and i did not hurt myself.
the smaller oysters are my favorite. the bigger ones were kinda hard to take. i think it's the texture. there really isn't that much flavor, but so, so great with lemon, truffle oil, and tabasco sauce.
looking forward to the next one...
i long for days like these... to be elsewhere.
cold wind, frozen hands, and hair in my eyes...