don't go hiking alone at sunset, especially if you're clumsy like me,
because you'll get lost, slip, and fall on your butt... the view was nice, though.
l'été est arrivé
summer's here and i've got the outdoors on my mind. not that there aren't things to do in the wintertime... i'd like to try snowboarding/skiing some time. my friends always brag about how much fun it is. as long as there's a low chance of avalanches, i'm up for it.
in the meantime, i'll make the most of the daylight lasting longer. i'm still in the middle of the city, but pocketed within it are glimpses of nature, wondermous nature to trample on. i mean, hike... on. it's an odd notion, though, for "nature" to be in the midst of a concrete jungle. it feels superficial, but at the least, i have a place to get away to in a short amount of time.
your soul is a ghost town. your heart, a sunken ship.
one of the things i live for: cycling downhill at an adrenaline-pumping fast speed and be fearless enough to not even let your fingers tip toe the hand brakes.
my bike gets used up a lot during the summer. i usually ride through the l.a. river bike path and griffith park, but someday, i'd love to run away to the countryside of france or italy and use my bicycle as my main mode of transport.
there are good things ahead. more road trips are in the works which can only mean one thing. hiking! and perhaps camping and some more bike riding...