here we are
pacific grove
a short, but great mid-week getaway.
is it just me, or does being around the ocean make you feel sad sometimes?
i gave my friend jane a disposable camera and these are the results. daydreamy, no?
i'll be posting more from her set later.
I failed to mention that I went exploring last weekend, stopping at Summerland, downtown Santa Barbara, and lastly Gaviota. I sort of had a list of places I wanted to visit and kinda had a plan in mind but I've learned that when I plan things out, they never go accordingly, so I just winged it.
I'd wanted to see the wind caves in Gaviota so after a short visit to Summerland and having enjoyed a bagel + soy iced latte in Santa Barbara, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and busted. I don't think I could ever get tired of driving along the coast.
murky wars
so far from the distant shore / the only time she never feels alone
on the land, her body distorts / in the water, lines are true to her mind
she knows she'll never touch the floor / she can float unharmed by murky wars
and the land is as plain as her skin / but the water shines like the star in her mind
they will never understand / how washed up you feel on land
the spotlight of the sun, it shines on