whoa. I'm stressed out.
thinking about doing my resignation letter in the form of a Powerpoint presentation.
should I spice it up even more and add Excel to the mix? Word.
I hate getting emotional at work. I had no idea how attached I was to my job until I broke down and cried when I gave my two-week notice two nights ago. most of it had to do with missing the love I had for it and trying relentlessly to find that love again for so long until it suddenly became a burden. it felt like I was breaking up with someone I loved dearly but knew it was no longer working out, like a relationship that had gone past its expiration date. you know something isn't right, but a part of you keeps saying there's a solution and it will be fixed. you can only tell yourself that so many times. it's exhausting!
I'm going to take a month off to reboot. then I'm running away to Paris to become a mime.