i believe that the people we meet at certain points or phases in our lives serves a purpose, mostly for our own personal growth. then there comes a time when they no longer do that, when we no longer serve each other. in most of those cases, one doesn't necessarily have to let them go, but rather, just let the situation be.
thar she goos agin
i'm moving back to los angeles on aug 28. it will be exactly one year, three months, and 13 days since i moved to the bay area and a lot happened in the short year i was here. ups and downs, highs and lows... i remember being confronted with a question before moving, "why?" my answer, "because i need a challenge." sure, moving from los angeles to san francisco doesn't sound like that much of a challenge, but given the changes this city has undergone the past 5-10 years, and the effects of those changes, even to the most minute, it was a challenge. add to that personal accounts of hardship, and you're in for the time of your life. not to say this is the reason why i am moving back to los angeles. it is just where i'm paving my path at the moment. i love san francisco. i wish i could be here longer and who knows? maybe i will be back, but los angeles is calling loudly, and right now, i need to answer.
...and while i look back at the lot of things that happened, i walk away with great lessons. mostly, be careful what you ask for, because it will be given to you at a speed and rate you might not be able to keep up with. i also learned that despite hardships, we are resilient beings. if you don't give up and accept that you don't have control over many, if not all, situations, things WILL fall into place, and trust in what comes next. mostly just trust yourself and the universe.
and now, some memorable moments:
-guy walking his pig on a leash in the outer sunset
-naked guys on bikes on haight
-the smell of piss EVERYWHERE (well, except pacific heights)
-poop on the sidewalk (except pacific heights)
-the most beautiful gay mens
-going to a 28-hour party thingy at public works (i think i only made it to 5 hours)
-omg the food
-the nature omg the nature. i want to marry it.
-being able to walk EVERYWHERE
-working for the fine arts museums of san francisco
-terminal 2 at SFO
i could go on. there are just too many memories.