"I love you I love me I love you and me together. I love us I love them I love us and them together"
happy holidays and here's to a great 2016!
"I love you I love me I love you and me together. I love us I love them I love us and them together"
happy holidays and here's to a great 2016!
it's been beautiful in san francisco the past couple of weeks. spring is eager to arrive, and i can't wait! there are a lot of things to look forward to this year, and i'm sooo excited. i'm not entirely sure what those exact things are, but i think i kind of have a clue. or, rather, it's in the back of my head. things are moving, happening, in transition... to some really good things. i'm feelin' it.
feel it with me.
...here's to an even better year!
au revoir, 2013! it was fun and crazy being with you, on you, below you, above you... you gave me many unforgettable memories and experiences that slapped me upside the head, and i'm ready for even more!
every new year, i am offered the universe and this year, i will make love to it like i've never been hurt before. my dear universe, handle my love with care. it is just as infinite and intense and deep as you.