In one week and two days I'll be leaving for a much anticipated vacation and I couldn't be any more excited. I promised myself that I would go somewhere, anywhere at least once a year to reboot and refresh from the goings-on of daily life. I hadn't gone anywhere the past couple of years because I was so focused on work, but I really wanted to give myself a break before life becomes hectic again. Plus, traveling shows you that there are so many more possibilities.
Lately, I've been yearning for some major changes, not just in my professional life, but personal as well. I love doing graphic design. I love doing graphic design for a museum. But after six years, staring at a computer screen 40 hours a week might be taking its toll on me. I want to create with my hands. I want to take pieces of wood and build something with it... I've been daydreaming a lot about moving to a small town, building my own cottage + yurt, growing my own gardens and owning a small farm where I provide people in this tiny town with fruits, vegetables, eggs... I've even thought about running away to the French countryside to work at a bakery, even if I was just the person behind the counter, ringing up people's orders and paper bagging their baguettes. Wait, do they even bag baguettes in France? Probably not.
For now, though, a vacation will suffice. I won't be serving food to the French or tending to chickens, but I'll be seeing a whole hell of a lot of nature at a Bad Ass National Fucking Forest... And I will probably get lost trying to get around and that's ok because honestly, there's nowhere else I'd rather be.
(this was taken in Indonesia almost 3 years ago. we hiked up to see Mt. Bromo at 3am.)