going through my files, I found some projects from a few years back that never reached completion, for various reasons. it's fun to look back at projects because I always look for what I could have changed or done better. there's always room for improvement, right?
this logo was for a roadie who is coffee obsessed. he would bring his espresso machine with him on the road and before you know it, other roadies and even musicians he was working for, started asking for his coffee. he thought this was a good way to make some extra money, but wanted a logo to go with his side project. the word "cheetah" comes from his boss being unable to pronounce his name, so he stuck with it.
whenever I start on a project, I always do research and sketches before it goes on the computer. these are the stages at which i felt the logos were ready to be presented, though still rough. eventually, one is chosen and that is what we work off of. even though the chosen logo was close to being finalized, there's still a lot of work and clean-up that needed to be done.