I'm tore up from the floor up, beat up from the feet up, and I need a check up from the neck up!
i feel a sore throat coming on. forecast for the weekend: chicken soup in 90 degree weather. le sigh.
I'm tore up from the floor up, beat up from the feet up, and I need a check up from the neck up!
i feel a sore throat coming on. forecast for the weekend: chicken soup in 90 degree weather. le sigh.
aside from going downhill on a bicycle, I also enjoy driving up to 90 mph on the highway when the coast is clear.
I just imagine Senna and how it would have felt like to be on the passenger's seat while he drove.
I need to learn to drive a stick.
that day I walked the streets / walked the line like on a secret map
someone must have drawn in my head / leaving signs that I couldn't read
which side are you gonna be on?
i've got tons of things i want to do within the next few months. my dilemma is deciding what to do first.
...these damn decisions. they either make you or break you.