- I'm going to miss the days performing "percussive maintenance" at work–the act of banging an object against something until it starts to work
- I’m constantly torn between the ‘be kind to everyone, they're fighting their own battles’ and the ‘fuck everyone you owe them nothing’ feeling/mentality
- In Germany, there's Activia for cats called Cativia
- I've spent an unhealthy amount of time browsing reddit
- my 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, depression, anger, bargaining, hunger, acceptance, hangry
- I could never be a non-conformist unless all my friends were
- how many calories does doing kegels use up?
- which baggage should I bring with me on my next date?
- if I'm wearing the same outfit I wore yesterday and nobody saw me in them, did it really happen?
- I would like to put a cease and desist on the use of the terms "amazeballs" and "adorkable" 5 years ago.